Why Is My AC Making Noise?
When homeowners or commercial building owners in Englewood, Florida call our Symbiont Service Air Conditioning office and ask, “why is my AC making noise?” That is a red flag and prompts action on the part of our HVAC professionals. Why? Because if you’re hearing a noise that is new to you — chances are it is a problem that needs to be addressed.
The last thing you want to do, on one of the hottest and most humid days in Florida is to have your HVAC go out. If you hear a noise, schedule a service call. Chances are it could be nothing, but you don’t want to take that chance and cross your fingers hoping the noise goes away.
When you live in an area like Florida, it is crucial to have a working air conditioning unit and this is especially true if you have a health condition or are elderly. High heat and humidity in a home or office could prove to be fatal.
What kind of noises might you hear?
- Squealing
- Grinding
- Whining
- Turning on and off frequently
- A noise you’ve never heard before.
What do you do? Give us a call. We can troubleshoot and let you know whether it’s a small fix or a larger one but it is better to be safe (and pay a service call) than sorry and have the unit break down and lead to a larger bill, right?
Why Is My AC Making Noise?
How can you troubleshoot before you pick up the phone or go to our website and talk with one of our professionals?
Call us. That is truly the bottom line when you hear a noise that is out of the ordinary.
If we pay a service visit we may be able to address the issue immediately or we may have to perform a “quick fix” and come back with the parts necessary to address and fix your unit.
Unless you are a licensed HVAC trained professional, please don’t attempt to service the HVAC unit at your home or office. You could damage it further or you could injure yourself or even void a warranty.
How can you help ensure you don’t hear odd or scary noises?
- Schedule regular (twice a year) HVAC inspections and service visits. A preventatitve maintenance plan and approach will help keep the unit working at its peak and will also help catch small issues before they become large aka expensive ones.
- Don’ attempt to “fix it” yourself unless you are a licensed HVAC professional. Attempting to handle it yourself can result in injury to yourself or damage to the system.
If you don’t know when the last HVAC inspection or maintenance visit was done, give us a call today and schedule one.
Our goal is to educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For information about zoning systems and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
Considering an upgrade or update to your commercial HVAC unit? Give our air conditioning service technicians a call today.
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