5 Reasons To Upgrade The A/C Unit
Symbiont Air Conditioning professionals in Englewood, Florida work with residential customers as well as commercial building owners and operators to ensure their buildings stay safe, comfortable and cool all summer long. We have put together a list of 5 reasons to upgrade the A/C unit sooner rather than later.
We know that a residential or commercial upgrade of an air conditioning unit is not a cost to be undertaken lightly. We also know that if a unit is not working at its peak that you will be spending more money to operate an inefficient HVAC unit. If you’re not certain whether you need to upgrade, update or simply repair the existing air conditioning unit, give us a call and one of our A/C pros can pay a site visit.
Don’t take the air conditioning unit in your home or office for granted because the day you truly need it, could be the day it gives up the ghost and you’re left with an uncomfortable and potentially unsafe living or working environment. If you are wondering, “should we replace this unit?” we have this list that may help you make that decision sooner rather than later.
5 Reasons To Upgrade The A/C Unit
Here are a few reasons to consider upgrading your residential or commercial air conditioning unit.
- It is still using freon as a refrigerant. Ask your air conditioning professional what type of refrigerant is in your unit. Freon, R-22 has been shown to deplete the ozone layer and is all around not environmentally friendly. Air conditioning units that are newer than 2015, will likely have environmentally-friendly refrigerants, but if you have an older unit, you will want to upgrade and not use freon.
- Ask us about discounts and rebates if you upgrade or update your older unit. The government sometimes offers unique rebates as a way to encourage homeowners and commercial business owners to change to a more energy-efficient A/C unit. There are also manufacturers of air conditioning units that will offer rebates as a way to boost sales. Ask your installation professional if he or she knows of any rebates or discounts that are available to sweeten the pot on a new unit.
- The cost of repairs is inching into the realm of “is it cheaper to fix it or just buy a new one.” There will come a time in the life of every piece of equipment in your home that the cost of repairs makes it make more sense to replace it rather than keep repairing it. We can let you know whether a repair will extend the life of the unit long enough to have it make sense for you and your wallet.
- The HVAC unit is old. If you can’t remember when the unit was installed, it is probably too old and you’d benefit from a new unit. Today’s air conditioning systems are energy- and environmentally friendly and that makes them also budget-friendly. According to the EPA, a system that is older than ten years, and if you upgrade your unit you could save as much as 40% on the costs of your current cooling bills.
- You’re uncomfortable. If you can’t get cool. If you’re sweating just sitting in your home or office no matter how high you turn the A/C it might be time to call on a pro and perhaps have the unit replaced. The degradation of the HVAC unit is sometimes so gradual that you don’t notice it until you’re unbearably uncomfortable.
If you’re not sure whether it’s time to upgrade or replace the HVAC unit in your home or office, give us a call and let us inspect the unit and offer you our experienced insight.
Our goal is to educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For information about zoning systems and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
Considering an upgrade or update to your commercial HVAC unit? Give our air conditioning service technicians a call today.
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