What Seasonal Maintenance Care Does Your HVAC Need?
The Symbiont Service residential and commercial HVAC professionals get asked all the time, “what seasonal maintenance care does my HVAC unit need?” The answer is – it depends on the season BUT we know that homeowners and commercial business owners in Englewood, Florida certainly don’t want to leave any HVAC issues to chance, not when our hot humid season is approaching.
The HVAC unit (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) in your home or office is crucial to the comfort in your home or office year round. In the cooler months, it keeps you warm and comfortable in the hot, humid months it keeps you cool and safe. A home that is too hot and humid can lead to health issues, especially in senior citizens.
If the HVAC unit is not operating properly the house will feel humid and that moisture can lead to mold growth. When you call one of the residential or commercial HVAC professionals from Symbiont Service you can rest assured your HVAC unit will run efficiently all summer long.
What Seasonal Maintenance Care Does Your HVAC Need?
Here are a few things you can do yourself if DIY is your middle name or you can call us to schedule a service and maintenance visit.
- Make sure the space around the HVAC unit is clear. Remove any debris, tree branches, grass cuttings, leaves, etc. from the space around the unit. If there is debris it can impede the air flow and that will make the system work harder than it has to. Don’t plant shrubbery or plants around the HVAC system because they could impede the flow of air.
- Check, clean and change the air filters regularly. Ask us for an estimated schedule for you to do that. We do recommend that homeowners with pets in the household check, clean and change the filters more frequently to remove any pet dander. As a rule of thumb, check the filters at least monthly. Ask us what MERV rating is ideal for your unique circumstance.
- Give us a call and schedule at least twice yearly maintenance service visits. Getting the system inspected at the beginning of summer and the beginning of winter gives you peace of mind that you will be cool or warm when you need to be. We will inspect the system, check the evaporator, vents and condenser unit as well as the filters. If the unit has a dirty evaporator or condenser coils, the system will work harder and you could be spending up to 25% more than you need to!
- Programmable thermostats give you the flexibility to “set it and forget it.” The installation of a programmable thermostat means you can have it automatically turn off when you leave the house in the morning and then on to warm or cool the house before you return home. You can program the system to also turn down at a specific time of night so the HVAC unit turns itself down while you’re sleeping.
- Find a residential or commercial HVAC professional you can trust to inspect and perform any seasonal maintenance on the HVAC unit on your behalf.
Considering an upgrade or update to your commercial HVAC unit? Give our air conditioning service technicians a call today.
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