3 Reasons To Upgrade To An Energy Efficient A/C Unit
Hot enough for you? You know that will be the phrase you hear when you live in Englewood, Florida and we know that at times it seems as if there is no escape from the relenting heat and humidity that Florida is faced with. Let’s face it, though when “winter” in Florida rolls around, we are not complaining because we are not shoveling snow. You certainly never have to shovel sunshine! We do have 3 reasons to upgrade to an energy efficient A/C unit because you definitely need one in a Florida summer (but we aren’t complaining!})
When you look at the price n your heating and cooling bill are you shocked? Do you always wish you could find a way to save money, but still be comfortable in an Englewood, Florida summer? You can keep your cool when the utility bill arrives and you can be comfortable in your home or office. It may require an upgrade to a new, energy-efficient A/C unit. You will want to talk with one of our Symbiont Air Conditioning experts and determine the ROI (return on your investment) if you upgrade to a new unit.
3 Reasons To Upgrade To An Energy Efficient A/C Unit
Here are the main reasons to upgrade and update your A/C or even your HVAC unit before summer.
- You will help save the environment by being more energy-efficient. That may not be a major concern or not your only concern for upgrading, but it is a consideration for many. Did you know that Americans use more energy than is used on the entire continent of Africa? It’s shocking especially when you realize we are talking about an entire continent and that Africa is hotter for more months of the year than America is. The National Department of Defense spends more than $20 billion a year to provide air conditioning to troops in Iraq? When a homeowner or business owner can reduce his or her energy consumption when running their A/C unit it leads to a brighter future for our environment.
- Save money. More than half of your utility budget is probably spent on air conditioning and heating. This also includes up to 70% of your utility bill being spent on air conditioning and this is most likely true for home and business owners in Florida. Work with one of our air conditioning experts on the installation of a more energy-efficient unit and you could save up to 25% on your utility bills.
- Look at the SEER rating on any new unit you purchase. SEER means Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio and look at the energy-efficient ratio (EER) rating of any unit you purchase. Ask us about any federal or local tax credits you may be eligible for when you upgrade your A/C unit. Make certain the unit you purchase is sized correctly. Remember, bigger doesn’t necessarily mean better for the unit. Our specialists will size the unit directly in proportion to what your home requires to be heated and cooled efficiently and effectively.
There is a myriad of other reasons you may want to update and upgrade the air conditioning unit in your home. Once you understand how long it will take you to see a return on your investment of the new unit you may quickly decide it’s time to take the plunge and start saving money on your utility bills.
Don’t wait for the air conditioning season to get into full swing before you give us a call to discuss an upgrade to your A/C unit.
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