What Are Common Air Conditioning Problems?
For many people, the idea of being without air conditioning in the height of an Englewood, Florida summer day is unbearable. Air conditioning can be a comfort issue or it can be an issue of health for some individuals. In Florida, and in many other states, air conditioning is a necessity more than a want-to-have. What are common air conditioning problems? There are a few that we will explain below.
Because of the heat and humidity and the need to stay comfortable in the summer you need to make certain your air conditioning is always ready when you turn it on. No one wants the air conditioner to go out in the middle of a heat wave — when the stores will be sold out and the potential of finding an air conditioning professional will be difficult.
What Are Common Air Conditioning Problems?
Call a Symbiont Air Conditioning professional to come and inspect your HVAC unit to assure the air conditioning will keep running smoothly all season, and all year, long.
Here are some of the common issues with air conditioners:
- The thermostat. We will assure the thermostat is clean, level and not in direct sunlight which could impact its performance.
- The filter. If the filter gets dirty or clogged, it will push dirty air in the house, and it will also cause the unit to freeze because the air flow is restricted.
- The drainage line. If the drainage line gets clogged with dust or dirt, it will cause the drain pan to fill up and could eventually overflow.
- The compressor. This is the part of the AC unit that sends the energy to the unit to move the refrigerant through the coils to cool the air. When the compressor stops working, the air conditioner will not cool. A loss of refrigerant will cause the unit to seize and fail.
- The coils. An air conditioner contains condenser and evaporator coils. The evaporator coils absorb the heat in the air and cool it and move the cool air into the house. The condenser coils are located on the outside of the unit and need to be cleaned at least annually.
There are other components and items within the air conditioner that need to be inspected regularly to keep it operating at peak efficiency.
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